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Sunday, May 5, 2013


People have to live somewhere.  This seems such a simple statement, but it is true.  The pessimists who say it is too expensive to live here, work here, own a business here, need to truly think about life without California.  No ocean, no desert, no local skiing, no UC college system, the arts and diversity of Los Angeles, the Lakers, Nokia, concerts, in short, the lifestyle.  There are many intangibles that go into where a person or a family lives.  No one place can have them all, but California comes close.  At the end of the day, where would an investor or homeowner realize their biggest gain on a home?  El Paso or Irvine?  Dallas or Los Angeles?  Amarillo or Fullerton?  Well, you get the idea.  It's hard to beat So Cal for housing appreciation.  


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